Current Workforce Gaps Research
The 2024/2025 Workforce Gaps research will be an engagement and data-driven project to identify unique barriers faced by under-represented demographic groups, particularly people with disabilities and immigrants, in the Chatham-Kent labour force. The goal is to build an understanding of existing labour pools and local skillsets that are either under-employed or not currently participating in the local labour market and to provide recommendations to enhance equitable employment outcomes in Chatham-Kent. This research will be released in February 2025.
Previous Workforce Gaps Research
2023/2024: International Student Talent in Chatham-Kent
- International Student Talent Report - English
- International Student Talent Infographic - English
- International Student Talent Report - French
- International Student Talent infographic - French
2022/2023: Ensuring a Strong Talent Pipeline to Meet Workforce Demand in Chatham-Kent
- Ensuring a Strong Talent Pipeline Report - English
- Ensuring a Strong Talent Pipeline Infographic - English
- Ensuring a Strong Talent Pipeline Report - French
- Ensuring a Strong Talent Pipeline Infographic - French
2021/2022: Understanding Workforce Attraction and Retention Characteristics
- Understanding Workforce Attraction and Retention Report - English